Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions

Small classes

online lessons from home

Terms and Conditions

Basic knowledge of Islam for beginners

We ask Allah the All-Hearing, All-Seeing and All-Knowing to remove any obstacles and facilitate us in achieving these goals, for He is the Almighty and the only one capable of doing so. Ameen Ameen Ameen!

General terms and conditions of the Tawfiq Foundation


  1. Definitions
  2. Applicability
  3. Entering into private agreement
  4. Entering into an agreement for professional or business reasons
  5. Having control(s)
  6. Agreement
  7. Change of Agreement
  8. Terms of payment
  9. Liability
  10. General rules
  11. Complaints
  12. GDPR
  13. Conversion
  14. Aftereffects
  15. Conflicting clauses
  16. Applicable law

In this document you will find the General Terms and Conditions of the Tawfiq Foundation. First of all, it is good to inform you that the Tawfiq Foundation hereby rejects the General Terms and Conditions of other parties.

1. Definitions

  • Founding Tawfiq: The foundation, Chamber of Commerce number 80351034, located at Zilverenberg 36, 5234 GM in 's-Hertogenbosch. Legal entity.
  • Third party: Any party that enters into an Agreement with the Tawfiq Foundation.
  • A natural person: Legal representatives of a student registered with the Tawfiq Foundation.
  • Person acting on a business or professional basis: Anyone who provides services or goods to the Tawfiq Foundation.
  • Agreement: Any written commitment to perform a service or deliver a good by the Tawfiq Foundation to any third party.

2. Applicability

The General Terms and Conditions of the Tawfiq Foundation apply to every Agreement with the Tawfiq Foundation between the Tawfiq Foundation and any natural person and/or any person acting from his/her business on a professional basis (hereinafter a contractor), or as a representative of any legal entity. The General Terms and Conditions of the Tawfiq Foundation apply regardless of the General Terms and Conditions of any other party: These are in principle rejected. The General Terms and Conditions of the Tawfiq Foundation do not apply only if the parties have expressly agreed in writing.

3. Entering into a private agreement

  1. Before entering into an Agreement, contact must first take place between the private individual (parent and/or legal guardian) and the Tawfiq Foundation.
  2. The Agreement will be agreed in writing or digitally, through the student's registration in the relevant school year, with the Tawfiq Foundation.
  3. With this registration, the student reserves the right to participate in lessons and other activities given and/or organized by the Tawfiq Foundation.
  4. The Tawfiq Foundation will test the registration for its legal validity and will grant the student the right as in Article 3, paragraph 3, if the registration meets these obligations.

4. Entering into a professional or business agreement

  1. Before entering into an Agreement, contact must first take place between the contractor and the Tawfiq Foundation.
  2. The Agreement will describe the service to be performed or the goods to be delivered.
  3. The Agreement is agreed in writing or digitally.
  4. The Agreement is agreed by means of a written commitment, in any form whatsoever.

5. Controlling party(ies)

An Agreement can only be entered into by a person authorized to exercise control on behalf of or representing the Tawfiq Foundation. If this control or representation is not vested in any person, he or she cannot conclude an Agreement in the name of the Tawfiq Foundation. The Tawfiq Foundation reserves the right to reject or dissolve any Agreement resulting from this.

Any person acting on behalf of the Tawfiq Foundation without having had express control over this will be held liable for any damage suffered by the Tawfiq Foundation as a result, or for the fulfillment of the Agreement to any third party.

6. Agreement

  1. The Agreement between the Tawfiq Foundation and any third party is concluded by means of offer and acceptance (Article 6:217 of the Dutch Civil Code). Such an Agreement can only be concluded in writing, taking into account the definition given to 'Agreement' in Article 1.
  2. If it appears that an Agreement has been entered into under false conditions, the Tawfiq Foundation will reserve the right to terminate the Agreement.
  3. If the Agreement is terminated by Stichting Tawfiq, Stichting Tawfiq will reserve the right to hold the third party involved liable for any damage that Stichting Tawfiq has suffered as a result.
  4. The Tawfiq Foundation and the third party involved are obliged to do and refrain from doing everything that is reasonably necessary and desirable to ensure the proper continuation of the Agreement.

7. Changes to Agreement

Under no circumstances will the Tawfiq Foundation unilaterally change an agreement for which any form of consent is required, or legally as previously agreed. Any changes to such an agreement will be made if permission has been given by the third party concerned. Such changes will be announced well in advance, or at least 30 days before taking effect.

The Tawfiq Foundation rejects any unilateral change to an agreement when made by a third party, without informing the Tawfiq Foundation in advance. The Tawfiq Foundation reserves the right to unilaterally terminate agreements with such changes and to recover any resulting damage from the third party.

8. Payment terms

Invoices/payment requests that the Tawfiq Foundation sends regarding costs it has incurred/will incur must be paid to the Tawfiq Foundation within fourteen days of the date.

Transaction costs

Payment Service Provider Mollie BV is the company that handles transactions (monthly contribution) for the Islamic education lessons. Mollie BV charges transaction costs for transactions. The Tawfiq Foundation is not liable in any way for the services provided by Mollie BV.

8.1 Mandatory monthly contribution for lessons

Every school year, the Tawfiq Foundation sets the amount of the mandatory monthly contribution at the amount it thinks it needs for teachers, technology, IT and/or materials that fall within the mandatory curriculum.

8.2 Inability to comply with vmandatory monthly contribution

If the mandatory monthly contribution cannot be paid, the Tawfiq Foundation has a fund from which it can, after assessment, pay the contribution to prevent children from being excluded from Islamic education.

9. Liability

9.1 Illness

The Tawfiq Foundation rejects any form of liability with regard to the illness of a teacher. The Tawfiq Foundation takes care to prevent this, but cannot exclude or guarantee anything.

9.2 Force majeure

In certain cases, the Tawfiq Foundation may not be able to implement the mandatory teaching program. She is also not liable for this. Force majeure is in any case understood to mean:

  • War or a similar situation, riot, sabotage;
  • Fire, lightning strike, explosion, release of hazardous substances or gases;
  • Disruption in the energy supply;
  • Obstacles caused by government measures;
  • Weather forecast, snowfall, storm.
  • And also any (other) circumstance that hinders the normal course of events.

9.3 Accident

Parents remain responsible for their own child(ren) during the lessons they attend. If an accident occurs during lessons, the Tawfiq Foundation is only liable to the extent provided by law.

9.4 Failure

If a lesson is canceled due to the absence of the Tawfiq Foundation, the Tawfiq Foundation does not accept any liability. Every effort will be made to catch up on the lesson in question if this is possible.

10. General rules

10.1 Conduct during the lessons at the Tawfiq Foundation

During classes

  • The student must behave in accordance with the internal rules of conduct during class. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • An attentive and active attitude during class;
  • Not disrupting the lesson;
  • Not being late to class without permission;
  • Not disturbing the teacher and other students when the lesson has already started;
  • Not disturbing other students while working independently.
  • 'Disturbing' does not include: 'Asking questions to the teacher and/or fellow students.

During the breaks

  • During breaks, students can move freely;
  • Students must handle this with care;
  • If a student indicates that he or she does not appreciate certain behavior, other students should stop exhibiting this behavior.


Bullying is not permitted in any way within and around the Tawfiq Foundation. We strive to be a bullying-free online environment, where every student feels safe.

10.2 Absence


If a student cannot attend class due to illness, his/her absence must be reported on the morning the class starts. The sick report must be made before the start of the lessons (before 8.30 on weekends and weekdays before 2 p.m). If this is not possible, notification of illness must be reported to the Tawfiq Foundation as early as possible. This is to avoid confusion during the attendance check.

Leave of absence

Leave must be requested if you wish to excuse your child from lessons outside the scheduled days off. Leave can only be submitted for special reasons such as; religious reasons, special family visits, death and/or marriage. A request for leave will always be assessed individually, based on internal guidelines.

If your request for leave has been rejected, it is not permitted to allow the student to be absent from school. The Tawfiq Foundation will take appropriate measures to this end if you do so.

10.3 Double

It is possible that a student's skills have not been developed far enough to warrant promotion to the next group. In this case, the Tawfiq Foundation will advise the student to repeat a year. This means that the student repeats a school year in the same class/group/level. In this way, the student can catch up on the backlog without experiencing undesirably high performance pressure.

If you have any complaints about the advice to double, you can inform the Tawfiq Foundation. He will examine this and possibly make a judgment about it. However, you cannot derive any rights other than what is determined in the judgment.

11. Complaints

  1. If a third party has complaints about business operations or any other subject regarding the Tawfiq Foundation, the third party can submit a complaint about this.
  2. Complaints must be submitted in writing via the e-mail address of the Tawfiq Foundation.
  3. The Tawfiq Foundation strives to process and respond to your complaint as quickly as possible. In any case, as soon as possible should be understood to mean no longer than a period of 30 days or one calendar month.
  4. Complaints will be handled in accordance with the internal guidelines of the Tawfiq Foundation.

12. GDPR

The Tawfiq Foundation complies at all times with the applicable privacy legislation (GDPR, among others). See the privacy statement https://www.tawfiq.nl/privacyverklaring from the Tawfiq Foundation.

13. Conversion

If and insofar as any provision of the Agreement and General Terms and Conditions cannot be relied upon on grounds of reasonableness and fairness or its unreasonably onerous nature, the relevant provision will in any case be given a meaning that is as similar as possible in terms of content and scope. so that this can be appealed to by the Tawfiq Foundation.

14. Aftereffects

The provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of the Tawfiq Foundation, which it is expressly or tacitly intended to include after termination of an Agreement will remain in force afterwards and the parties will continue to be binding.

15. Conflicting Clauses

In the event that these General Terms and Conditions and the Agreement contain conflicting conditions, the conditions included in the Agreement will apply if an express Agreement has been entered into by the parties. In all other cases, these General Terms and Conditions prevail.

16. Governing Law

Dutch law is declared applicable to all Agreements between parties.

About us

We at the Tawfiq Foundation believe in the capabilities and possibilities of our students. We believe that our students, firstly through Allah swt and then through our efforts and the efforts of their parents and caregivers, are able to achieve a lot and can make a positive contribution to our Dutch society as valued Dutch citizens.

Islam, Quran and Arabic lessons

Students and parents at our online Islamic education are unanimously enthusiastic about their experiences and demo lessons with Tawfiq.nl and Zoom. Some reactions from parents who have had their children take demo lessons:

 “Very nice way of conveying Islamic knowledge to children and parents.”  

“My family situation and planning fit perfectly with your organization! Finally Islamic lessons for our children!”  

“A soothing feeling that you do not belong to an institution or mosque. This way the focus is purely on the Islamic lessons.”  

“It's about time that Islamic lessons for children and parents can be followed at home. It feels a lot safer at home.”  

“Saves a lot of travel time, gas money and organization to an Islamic educational institution or mosque! Great solution for our children!”  

“I have been saying this for years that it should be possible for children to take lessons from home. I am happy that as an organization you are moving with the times.”

We are not a commercial institution but are a self-organization that does not use or request government subsidies. We are a foundation that, when necessary, raises collections and asks for financial support and donations from its community. Our foundation will also organize benefits when the need is dire or progressive to safeguard the Islamic identity of Dutch Muslims. Our foundation also works as much as possible with its own working capacity, are free, independent and unbound and rely only on Allah as the Only Provider.

Doctrine of Faith (Aqieda)
Faith Practice (Ibada)
Character Formation (Achlaq)
Good manners (Adaab)
Arabic (Reading and Speaking)

Your prayer times today

Biography Companions
Social Justice (ADL)
Biography of Prophet Muhammad
Interaction with people (Mu'amalat)
Learn to recite Quran for beginners

Retired Education

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