Verplichte participatie in de maatschappij van Nederlandse moslims uit Nijmegen-Moslims in de Nederlandse Maatschappij
Verplichte participatie in de maatschappij van Nederlandse moslims uit Nijmegen-Moslims in de Nederlandse Maatschappij

Small classes

online lessons from home

Betrokkenheid van Moslims uit Nijmegen in de Nederlandse Maatschappij: Een verantwoordelijkheid Gebaseerd op de Koran en Hadith.

We ask Allah the All-Hearing, All-Seeing and All-Knowing to remove any obstacles and facilitate us in achieving these goals, for He is the Almighty and the only one capable of doing so. Ameen Ameen Ameen!

Welcome to the Tawfiq Foundation to maintain the identity of your Islamic Identity in the Netherlands.

Als organisatie die zich inzet voor moslims in Nederland, is het onze missie om de religieuze identiteit te behouden en moslims bewust te maken van de noodzaak om actief mee te doen aan de Nederlandse maatschappij. In dit artikel zullen we de verplichting van moslims uit Nijmegen om te participeren in de maatschappij ondersteunen aan de hand van argumenten uit de Koran en Hadith. We zullen vijf subcategorieën behandelen die duidelijk maken dat participatie een essentiële verantwoordelijkheid is voor moslims uit Nijmegen.

Obligation of decent behavior and social responsibility

The Quran emphasizes the importance of good conduct and righteousness in numerous verses, as stated in many verses such as Surah Al-Hujurat (49:13): “O mankind, We have created you from male and female and We have made you into nations and tribes, that you might know one another. Indeed, the most noble among you in the sight of Allah is he who fears (Allah) the most.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also said: “The best among you are those who are best for their community.” (Sunan Ibn Majah 4239)

Opdracht tot uitwisseling en verstandhouding voor moslims uit Nijmegen

The Quran encourages Muslims to engage in constructive dialogue and interaction with people of other religions and cultures. Surah Al-'Ankabut (29:46) states: “And argue only with the people of the Book in the best manner, except the wrongdoers among them.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also said: “Whoever follows a path of seeking knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to Paradise.” (Saheeh Muslim 2699a)

Contributing to good living and justice

Islam calls on Muslims to contribute to prosperity and justice in society. Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:8) states: “Be steadfast in righteousness, testify for Allah, even if it is against your own relatives.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever provides for the needs of his fellow man, Allah will provide for his needs.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 2442)

Verplichting tot eerlijkheid en betrouwbaarheid voor moslims uit Nijmegen

Islam emphasizes sincerity, credibility and keeping promises. Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:1) states: “O you who believe, keep your covenants.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise.” (Sahih Muslim 2607a)

Streven naar kennis en wetenschap en bijdragen aan ontwikkeling voor moslims uit Nijmegen

Islam encourages Muslims to acquire knowledge and science and to contribute to development in the society in which Muslims live. Surah Al-Zumar (39:9) states: “Say: 'Are they equal, those who have knowledge and those who have no knowledge?'” The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever seeks knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the way to Paradise.” (Sunan Ibn Majah 224)

Uit de Koran en Hadith kunnen we concluderen dat actieve inzet in de maatschappij een plicht is voor moslims. De islam moedigt aan moslims aan om netjes gedrag te uitstralen, dialoog aan te gaan, bij te dragen aan welzijn en eerlijkheid, eerlijk en oprecht te zijn, en inzicht te opdoen en bij te dragen aan vooruitgang. Als stichting willen wij moslims stimuleren om actief deel te nemen aan de Nederlandse maatschappij en een positieve bijdrage te leveren aan een vreedzaam en harmonieus samenleven. De Koran en Hadith fungeren als bronnen die ons sturen naar de verplichting tot participatie in de maatschappij waarin we leven.

Participatie van Moslims uit Nijmegen in de Nederlandse Maatschappij: Een Verplichting Gebaseerd op de Koran en Hadith.

Islam, Quran and Arabic lessons

Students and parents at our online Islamic education are unanimously enthusiastic about their experiences and demo lessons with and Zoom. Some reactions from parents who have had their children take demo lessons:

 “Very nice way of conveying Islamic knowledge to children and parents.”  

“My family situation and planning fit perfectly with your organization! Finally Islamic lessons for our children!”  

“A soothing feeling that you do not belong to an institution or mosque. This way the focus is purely on the Islamic lessons.”  

“It's about time that Islamic lessons for children and parents can be followed at home. It feels a lot safer at home.”  

“Saves a lot of travel time, gas money and organization to an Islamic educational institution or mosque! Great solution for our children!”  

“I have been saying this for years that it should be possible for children to take lessons from home. I am happy that as an organization you are moving with the times.”

We welcome students with great enthusiasm
Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Almere, Nijmegen, Tilburg, Eindhoven, Arnhem, Maastricht, Deventer, Amersfoort, Woerden, Den Bosch, Middelburg, Bergen op Zoom, Waalwijk, Breda, Roermond, Leiden, Sittard, Alphen a/d Rijn, Lelystad, Nieuwegein, Gorinchem, Leerdam, Tiel, Geleen, Zoetermeer, Voorburg, Brunssum, Enschede, Alkmaar, IJsselstein, Moordrecht, Ede, Veenendaal, Zwolle, Weert, Helmond, Assen, Meppel, Dronten, Heerenveen, Leeuwarden, Apeldoorn, Barneveld, Doetinchem, Harderwijk, Nijkerk, Zaltbommel, Wijchen, Zutphen, Groningen, Delfzijl, Stadskanaal, Etten-Leur, Oss, Uden, Beverwijk, Den Helder, Haarlem, Bronckhorst, Montfoort, Zeist, Middelburg, Vlissingen, Schiedam, Bodegraven, Waddinxveen , Ridderkerk, Zwijndrecht, Vlaardingen, and Gouda.

We are not a commercial institution but are a self-organization that does not use or request government subsidies. We are a foundation that, when necessary, raises collections and asks for financial support and donations from its community. Our foundation will also organize benefits when the need is dire or progressive to safeguard the Islamic identity of Dutch Muslims. Our foundation also works as much as possible with its own working capacity, are free, independent and unbound and rely only on Allah as the Only Provider.

Doctrine of Faith (Aqieda)
Faith Practice (Ibada)
Character Formation (Achlaq)
Good manners (Adaab)
Arabic (Reading and Speaking)

Biography Companions
Social Justice (ADL)
Biography of Prophet Muhammad
Interaction with people (Mu'amalat)
Learn to recite Quran for beginners

Retired Education

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