Contact with the Tawfiq Foundation
Contact with the Tawfiq Foundation

Small classes

online lessons from home

Contact with
Tawfiq Foundation

We ask Allah the All-Hearing, All-Seeing and All-Knowing to remove any obstacles and facilitate us in achieving these goals, for He is the Almighty and the only one capable of doing so. Ameen Ameen Ameen!

+31 (0)85-246.08.07

Om onze dienstverlening zo efficiënt mogelijk te maken, bieden wij op vaste dagen en tijden telefonische ondersteuning via het landelijke telefoonnummer +31(0)85-246.08.07. Buiten deze dagen en tijden heeft u wel altijd de mogelijkheid om ons via email te contacteren wanneer u dit uitkomt. Wij zullen dan nog dezelfde dag contact met u opnemen binnen kantooruren. Mocht u met vragen of onduidelijkheden zitten en we komen er per e-mail niet uit, dan zullen wij zelf telefonisch contact met u opnemen als u dat wenst.

We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties. We do store your personal information (name, email and telephone number) in our electronic file for possible later communication with you. This applies when you contact us via email or form.

We can be reached from:

– Monday to Friday from 4:30 PM – 9:00 PM
– Saturday from 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
– Sunday from 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

General questions

For general questions you can send an email to
In the email you can indicate what your questions or wishes are. For example, questions about Islamic lessons, registration, levels and working methods. We will then contact you personally shortly.

Islam, Quran and Arabic lessons

Students and parents at our online Islamic education are unanimously enthusiastic about their experiences and demo lessons with and Zoom. Some reactions from parents who have had their children take demo lessons:

 “Very nice way of conveying Islamic knowledge to children and parents.”  

“My family situation and planning fit perfectly with your organization! Finally Islamic lessons for our children!”  

“A soothing feeling that you do not belong to an institution or mosque. This way the focus is purely on the Islamic lessons.”  

“It's about time that Islamic lessons for children and parents can be followed at home. It feels a lot safer at home.”  

“Saves a lot of travel time, gas money and organization to an Islamic educational institution or mosque! Great solution for our children!”  

“I have been saying this for years that it should be possible for children to take lessons from home. I am happy that as an organization you are moving with the times.”

We are not a commercial institution but are a self-organization that does not use or request government subsidies. We are a foundation that, when necessary, raises collections and asks for financial support and donations from its community. Our foundation will also organize benefits when the need is dire or progressive to safeguard the Islamic identity of Dutch Muslims. Our foundation also works as much as possible with its own working capacity, are free, independent and unbound and rely only on Allah as the Only Provider.

Doctrine of Faith (Aqieda)
Faith Practice (Ibada)
Character Formation (Achlaq)
Good manners (Adaab)
Arabic (Reading and Speaking)

Your prayer times today

Biography Companions
Social Justice (ADL)
Biography of Prophet Muhammad
Interaction with people (Mu'amalat)
Learn to recite Quran for beginners

Retired Education

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