1. الله Allah (Allah – The One Who Deserves to be Worshiped)
2. الأحَد al-Ah'ad (the Only, the Unique)
3. الأعْلَى al-A'laa (the Most High)
4. الأكْرَم al-Akram (the Most Generous)
5. الإله al-Ilaah (the God, the One Who alone deserves to be worshipped)
6. الأوَّل al-Awwal (the first)
7. الآخِر al-Aakhir (the last)
8. الظاهِر adhz-Dhzaahir (the highest)
9. البَاطِن al-Baatin (the Nearest)
10. البارِئ al-Baaree-e (the Creator)
11. البَرّ al-Barr (the Caring One, the Source of all Goodness)
12. البَصِير al-Basirish (the All-Seeing)
13. التَّوَّاب at-Tawwaab (the Acceptor of Repentance, the One Who guides His servants to repentance and accepts their repentance)
14. الجَبَّار al-Jabbaar (the Subject)
15. الحافِظ al-H'aafidhz (the Watcher, the Protector)
16. الحَسِيب al-Haasib (the Sufficient and Assessor)
17. الحَفِيظ al-H'afeedhz (the Watcher)
18. الحَفِيُّ al-H'afiyy (the Kind-hearted, the Meek)
19. الحقّ al-H'aqq (the one)
20. المُبِين al-Mubien (the Clarifier)
21. الحَكِيم al-Hakim (the All-Wise) or al-H'aakim (the All-Wise)
22. الحَلِيم al-H'alim (the Most Tolerant)
23. الحَمِيد al-H'amid (the Praiseworthy)
24. الحَيّ al-H'ayy (the Eternally Living)
25. القَيُّوم al-Qayyum (the Self-Subsisting, the Sustainer)
26. الخَبِير al-Khabeer (the Omniscient of subtle matters)
27. الخَالِق al-Khaaliq (the creator)
28. الخَلاّق al-Khallaaq (the Creator Who continually creates)
29. الرَّؤُوف ar-Ra-oof (the Most Kind and Merciful)
30. الرَّحْمَان ar-Rahmaan (the Most Merciful)
31. الرَّحِيم ar-Raheem (the Most Merciful)
32. الرَّزَّاق ar-Razzaaq (the constant Bestower of manifold provisions)
33. الرَّقِيب ar-Raqeeb (the Supervisor)
34. السّلام as-Salaam (The One Who is free from any defect, the Source of Peace and Perfection)
35. السَّمِيع as-Samie' (the All-Hearing)
36. الشَاكِر ash-Shaakir (The One Who Shows Appreciation the Most)
37. لشَّكُور ash-Shakoor (The One Who is Most Willing to Appreciate)
38. الشَّهِيد ash-Shaheed (the witness)
39. الصَّمَد as–Samad (the Perfect, the Independent Lord, the One on Whom all created things depend)
40. العَالِم al-'Aalim (the Knower of the imperceptible and the observable)
41. العَزِيز al-'Azeez (the Almighty, the One Whose Power is exalted)
42. العَظِيم al-'Adhzeem (the Possessor of Greatness)
43. العَفُوّ al-'Afoww (the Giver of Forgiveness, the One who forgives again and again)
44. العَلِيم al-'Aleem (the Omniscient)
45. العَلِيّ al-'Aliyy (the Most High)
46. الغَفَّار al-Ghaffaar (the Most Forgiving)
47. الغَفُور al-Ghafur (the Most Forgiving)
48. الغَنِيّ al-Ghaniyy (the Self-sufficient, the Independent, the Needless)
49. الفَتَّاح al-Fattaah' (the Judge and the Supreme Opener Who distinguishes truth from falsehood)
50. القَادِر al-Qaadir (the Mighty)
51. القَاهِر al-Qaahir (the Subject)
52. القُدُّوس al-Quddus (the Most Holy, the Pure and Perfect)
53. القَدِير al-Qadeer (The Almighty)
54. القَرِيب al-Qarib (the Near, the One Who is close to His servants)
55. القَوِيّ al-Qawiyy (the Strong, with Perfect Power)
56. القَهَّار al-Qahhaar (the Subduer and the Most Powerful)
57. الكَبِير al-Kabeer (the Possessor of Greatness, the Incomparably Great)
58. الكَرِيم al-Kariem (the Generous)
59. اللَّطِيف al-Latief (the Most Subtle in Knowledge and the Caring)
60. المُؤمِن al-Mu'emin (the Giver of security, the True and Trustworthy)
61. المُتَعَالِي al-Muta'aalie (the Most High)
62. المُتَكَبِّر al-Mutakabbir (the Majestic)
63. المَتِين al-Matien (the strong one)
64. المُجِيب al-Mujieb (the Hearing, the Heeding)
65. المَجِيد al-Majied (the Glorious)
66. المُحِيط al-Muheet (the All Surrounding)
67. المُصَوِّر al-Moesawwir (the Designer)
68. المُقْتَدِر al-Muqtadir (The Almighty)
69. المُقِيت al-Muqiet (the Almighty Witness and Provider)
70. المَلِك al-Malik (the king)
71. المَلِيك al-Malik (the Almighty King)
72. المَولَى al-Mawlaa (the Lord, Helper and Protector)
73. المُهَيْمِن al-Muhaymin (the Witness about His creation)
74. النَّصِير an-Nasirish (the Helper)
75. الوَاحِد al-Wah'id (the Unique, the One)
76. الوَارِث al-Waarith (the Heir)
77. الوَاسِع al-Waasi' (the All-Encompassing)
78. الوَدُود al-Wadoed (the Loving)
79. الوَكِيل al-Wakiel (the Confidant, the Top Ranker)
80. الوَلِيّ al-Waliyy (the Protector, the Helper)
81. الوَهَّاب al-Wahhaab (the frequent Donor)
From the Sunnah from the Messenger of Allah (sAl-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam):
82. الرَّبّ ar-Rabb (the Lord and Educator)
83. الجَمِيل al-Jameel (the beautiful)
84. الجَوَاد al-Jawad (de Gulle)
85. الحَكَم al-H'akam (the Judge)
86. الحَيِّي al-H'ayyee (The One Who is Modest)
87. الرَّفِيق ar-Rafieq (the Friendly)
88. السُّبُّوح as-Subboeh' (the perfect)
89. السَّيِّد as-Sayyid (the Lord and Master)
90. الشَّافِي ash-Shaafie (The One Who Heals)
91. الطَّيِّب at–Tayyib (the Good, the Pure)
92. القابِض al-Qaabid (the Depriver, the Limiter)
93. البَاسِط al-Baasit (the Generous, the Giver of abundant provision)
94. المُقَدِّم al-Muqaddim (The One Who Promotes)
95. المُؤَخِّر al-Mu-akhkhir (The One Who Procrastinates)
96. المُحْسِن al-Muh'sin (the Benevolent)
97. المُعْطِي al-Moe'ti.e (the Donor)
98. المَنَّان al-Mannaan (the Benefactor, the Charitable Donor of gifts)
99. الوِتْر al-Witr (the Only One, the One Who has no partner nor anyone like Him)